Obsolete Releases > SME 8.x Contribs

Zoneminder on SME 8 b7

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got a little further

--- Code: ---yum --enablerepo=* --disablerepo=smedev --disablerepo=smetest --disablerepo=smeupdates-testing install libjpeg-devel   
yum --enablerepo=* --disablerepo=smedev --disablerepo=smetest --disablerepo=smeupdates-testing install mysql-devel

--- End code ---
That got me to the point of
--- Code: ---configure: error: zm requires gnutls/openssl.h - use ZM_SSL_LIB option to select openssl instead

--- End code ---

Also, my
--- Code: ---/sbin/e-smith/audittools/repositories

--- End code ---
--- Code: ---addons: disabled
atrpms: disabled
base: enabled
centosplus: disabled
contrib: disabled
dag: disabled
epel: disabled
extras: disabled
fws: disabled
sme7contribs: disabled
smeaddons: enabled
smecontribs: disabled
smedev: disabled
smeextras: enabled
smeos: enabled
smetest: disabled
smeupdates: enabled
smeupdates-testing: disabled
updates: enabled

--- End code ---

I think that is all to it. After the above steps,
--- Code: ---./configure --with-webdir=/opt/surveillance --with-cgidir=/var/www/cgi-bin --with-webuser=apache --with-webgroup=apache ZM_DB_HOST=localhost ZM_DB_NAME=zoneminder ZM_DB_USER=zoneminder ZM_DB_PASS=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --with-extralibs="-L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib/mysql" --with-mysql='/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlyclient.so.15' CXXFLAGS="-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS" ZM_SSL_LIB=openssl  --enable-mmap=no

--- End code ---
and then do a make and make install
Again, that installs it into my /opt/surveillance which was setup previously with SME Site Maker. Be sure to have a db password already generated before starting Site Maker. This is a fresh SME 8 testing machine, and I don't know if something has been broken with all the dependencies that were installed.

I am having another issue now.
I have a main SME 8 server as a gateway and another SME 8 server for only video surveillance. I set up a hostname called security.mtrosemedia.tk to the Remote IP for the internal server. That works just fine when going directly to the site, but trying to go to security.mtrosemedia.tk/surveillance doesn't work.
I would like a way to be able to access the internal server clearly without so much being forwarded. Right now I have ports forwarded to the internal IP port 22 in order to get ssh tunnel. I have the hostname setup to pass the security.mtrosemedia.tk name. And my logic is telling me to setup a proxy pass directive to get to the security.mtrosemedia.tk/surveillance name. Is that right? All the other pages revert back to my main mtrosemedia.tk server. So, security.mtrosemedia.tk/webmail or /server-manager opens my main server's pages and not the security surveillance server pages. Any ideas?

Thanks to Mary, the program itself is installed and functioning. However, Ive been frustrated (yes, I'm slow) with trying to get the program to recognize the video feed. At first it would seem like a ZM issue, but I still get a blank screen after following the advices on ZM's how-to page. Now I am wondering if there isn't some hidden setting on the server itself that I'm missing. I'd like to try newburns' method, but need to uninstall the current program. Because of the specialized steps used above, is there a particular order I should follow to remove this properly?

Which version does Mary have functioning? Do you have a link to those posts? My method should allow for the latest version. I'm no developer so I was hoping some of the more seasoned users would respond to those posts.

I've been struggling to get this working with nothing to show except for an expensive camera collecting dust in my garage. There have been plenty of claims that this setup works (easy-peasy), but I suspect the process is really made arcane as possible and the steps just vague enough so that they can continue to have bragging rights. The particular steps to get this version (1.22.3) "working" are listed in the comments above, but both ZM and SME have since changed versions again - so I doubt the advice in this thread is valid any longer. While following this thread may likely satisfy the literal definition of "get ZM working on 8b7", it doesn't mean there will be a useable solution in the end. I wish I could stay positive about this, but there are too many time-wasting rabbit holes and roadblocks of outdated advice and conflicting versions, that it's just not worth it anymore.

I might as well buy a dedicated windows machine and load it with the recording software that came with the camera. At least I know that will work. What a waste of time and money.


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