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softether vpn server contrib

Offline Jean-Philippe Pialasse

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softether vpn server contrib
« on: March 29, 2020, 04:03:36 AM »
Some of you might have seen the How To to have an instance of softether on a SME.

I have packaged a smeserver contribs to help you configure it with more ease.
This will also let you use the VPN using SSL on port 443, as long as you are ok losing the https from the wan side of your server. Meaning: do not do if you host website needing https for the world. It will leave you access to port 443 for your server manager on the LAN side.

see : https://wiki.contribs.org/Softethervpn-server

This is still in smedev and still pretty alpha. I would love to see an event + action to finish the basic configuration:
- admin password before having the server to listen to the world...
- radius config
- external ip setting
- creation of a basic  hub with use of radius

I have also at least spot a situation where you might lost the link between the dhcp server  and the vpn.
This could be solved by service bridge restart.
Also if you use the Virtual NAT of Softether it seems not to happen.