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Flexbackup problems.

philippe peltier

Flexbackup problems.
« on: May 27, 2003, 12:11:09 PM »
I'm using flexbackup on a 5.5 server and have problems.

First when I save for instance /boot, everything gets ok at the beginning, but when the backup ends, I get this message :
| Backup start: mar mai 27 09:02:38 2003
| Backup end:   mar mai 27 09:03:34 2003
touch: invalid date format mar mai 27 09:02:38 2003' <========= HERE
At block 0.
| Rewinding...
| Compressing log (boot.0.20030527.gz)
| Linking boot.latest.gz -> boot.0.20030527.gz
(My server has french date format)

Then when I try to list the tape, I get this error :

#flexbackup -list

flexbackup version 0.9.8
/etc/flexbackup.conf syntax OK

| Reading from current tape position
At block 0.
| buffer -m 3m -s 10k -u 100 -t -p 75 -B -i /dev/ht0 | gzip -dq | restore -t \
|  -v -b 10 -f -

gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated
restore: Tape read error on first record
Verify tape and initialize maps
Input is from file/pipe
At block 0.

although I saved in dump format...

and I'm not able to restore anything...

I really need help...

Thanks in advance to my savior to be ;-))