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*nix Replacement for LookOut Exchange?

Cyrus Bharda

*nix Replacement for LookOut Exchange?
« on: January 16, 2003, 08:44:29 AM »
Howdy I have done some reading of the fourums to see that bynari is really the only talked about software. With Bynari, do you need to buy both the server and the connector, has anyone had any good/bad stories? Who is currently testing it out on SME?

What about BILL Workgroup server, has anyone tryed it out, its free thats all. ( http://www.billworkgroup.org/billworkgroup/home ).

Come to think of it OsaSync is free to and does the same thing, anyone heard of that? http://www.vaita.com/OsaSyncPro.asp (Although Osa is windowz based it still is a free product advertising to do the same as lookout ripoff).  

Not to mention Aethera, I have read a lot of good reveiws about this on slashdot, anyone seen it round? http://www.thekompany.com/projects/aethera/index.php3

Keep an eye out for Reefknot, http://reefknot.sourceforge.net/ it looks like a very well designed calender sharing outlook exchange emulator.

I only wish I had the time/knowledge/resources to test out some of the above software, I will be testing out Osa because I know what I am doing in windoh's and get back with how it went.

So if any of you are not doing anything (:-) why not try out some of the above and see what happens!

So how did I go, would that make a great infomercial or what! :-)

Cyrus Bharda


Re: *nix Replacement for LookOut Exchange?
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2003, 04:27:20 PM »
I have been using/testing the Bynari - Insight Server. It is excellent. I know of no way to 'install' it on SME, it is a standalone server that we have integrated into our network. As far as I remember the server itself can be gotten for free, but the Connector must be purchased. They have very reasonable prices where you get a server and X# of clients.